Five Tuesdays in Winter by Lily King

As so many of us often say, short stories don’t always work well for me. However, I’m starting to realize I need to stop saying that because, just like with a full-length novel, it all comes down to choosing well and the author’s understanding of the format’s constraints.

King’s collection of short stories in Five Tuesdays in Winter offers a variety of themes, characters, and story lengths. She seemed to effortlessly deliver whatever she desired. Though there were several stories I favored more than others, I never felt like they were either too short or too long. This is the rare Goldilocks collection, and since I’ve never read any of King’s novels, this was a great way to step into her realm.

Audiobook, as narrated by various narrators: Again, one of the rare times where every single narrator was the exact right choice for their given stories. Even with repeated narrators coming in for second rounds, I never felt like they were mismatched to the theme or the character.


Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J. Maas


Wellness by Nathan Hill