Passersthrough by Peter Rock

After a long estrangement, Helen reunites with her father Benjamin, aiming to unravel her childhood disappearance during a camping trip. A mysterious duo of a woman and a boy guides Benjamin on a journey, working to unveil unsettling discoveries related to the past. This exploration leads to a murder house, uncanny possession, and a shifting lake called Sad Clown Lake. Passersthrough delves into family dynamics, the strength and faultiness of memory, and that fragile line between life and death.

If you like books with answers and endings, look elsewhere. This strangely lyrical mess of a book was thoughtful, gripping, and haunting with the feeling of spectral eyes overseeing every move.

Audiobook, as narrated by Eric Jason Martin: Martin did a phenomenal job — handling the unsettling tone and the cast of characters with ease. His voice was well-suited to act as a guide for this story and to give voice to Benjamin, in particular.


Whalefall by Daniel Kraus


Empire of Storms by Sarah J. Maas